
About Us

About Us

Who are we?

A recognized leader in offensive security testing and advisory services.

Canary Trap was founded by ethical hackers and security practitioners who share in the common goal of reducing the potential risk and associated impact of a security breach. Canary Trap combines human expertise with sophisticated tools and, where appropriate, threat intelligence to ensure a thorough, in-depth approach to all offensive security testing and advisory services.

Global reach

Canary Trap’s elite team of security experts work in partnership with some of the world’s most recognized brands.

What makes us successful?

  • People
  • Process
  • Passion

Our success can be broadly defined by the three P’s: People, Process & Passion. Canary Trap’s elite team of security experts operate with full transparency and in the spirit of true partnership. We’ve developed proprietary methodologies that enable an in-depth approach while simultaneously ensuring effective time management. We have a real and burning passion for what we do – so much so, that it often doesn’t seem like work at all!

Our team

Canary Trap prides itself on recruiting only the very best security practitioners from diverse backgrounds. All applicants under consideration must submit to rigorous background checks and skills validation testing as a condition of employment.

Corporate values


We uphold the highest standards of honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct.


We are a team of security practitioners who continuously strive for service excellence.


We embrace innovation as a cornerstone of our unique approach to every project.


We offer our clients value for money spent.


We treat our clients’ sensitive information with the utmost care and respect.

Social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) exists at the very core of our business philosophy.

At Canary Trap, CSR underlies our commitment to give back through identifying specific programs, initiatives and causes that our team is passionate about. We commit to contribute no less than 1% of the Company’s operating income annually to create positive outcomes within society.

For 2024, Canary Trap has selected the following charities to assist financially:


Wounded Warriors Canada –

Founded in 2007, Wounded Warriors Canada (WWC) works to “honour and support Canada’s ill and injured Canadian Armed Forces members, veterans, First Responders, and their families.” WWC combines its programs, clinical support, research and mental health promotion to help transform the lives of service personnel and their families who are affected by Operational Stress Injuries (OSI). OSI is described as any persistent psychological difficulty resulting from operational duties performed while serving in the Canadian Forces or as a member of the RCMP. Difficulties may occur during combat duties, after serving in a war zone, in peacekeeping missions, or following other traumatic or serious events not specific to combat. The charity runs programs in four main areas: Group Therapy, Animal Assisted Therapy for PTSD, Resiliency Training & Respite Care, and Research & Education.


Wounded Warriors Project –

The Wounded Warrior Project (WWP) began in 2003 as a small, grassroots effort providing simple care and comfort items to the hospital bedsides of the first wounded service members returning home from the conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. As their post-service needs evolved, so have WWP’s programs and services. Today, through WWP’s direct programs in mental health, career counseling, and long-term rehabilitative care, along with their advocacy efforts, WWP improves the lives of millions of warriors and their families.


The Canary Foundation –

The Canary Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to discovering highly sensitive and specific biomarkers of early stage cancer and building tests for these markers. The goal is to identify cancer through a simple blood test, isolate the disease through medical imaging scans and then to intervene early enough to dramatically increase the chance of a full recovery with minimal side effects.

100% of all donations received goes to early detection research activities.

Get started with
Canary Trap

Complete the online Scoping Questionnaire or contact us directly to schedule a scoping call. We look forward to working in partnership with you!